Greetings from CEO

Greetings!  Welcome to Asian-American Homeownership Counseling, Inc.’s (AAHC) official website. Please take the time to browse AAHC’s information and then take advantage of the multi-lingual services we offer to Asian-American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI), and other underserved and low income homeownership communities.

AAHC, a 501 C 3, tax exempt nonprofit, established to empower and inspire immigrant communities to achieve and maintain the American dream of homeownership by providing counseling, education, tools, and resources.  AAHC increases homeownership success by placing individuals on the road to financial self-sufficiency.

AAHC contributes to the stabilization of communities and reinvigoration of the U.S. housing economy, and creates housing solutions for first-time homebuyers.

AAHC’s objective is to provide: homebuyer education, financial literacy education/training, foreclosure intervention and default management including reverse mortgage defaults, credit, debt and money management education; rental assistance, scam, fraud and identity theft prevention education; home mortgage education including reverse mortgage; advocacy and charitable work for Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities.  AAHC is unique in that we are multi-lingual! We offer services in various Asian languages and also in Spanish (per request).

Home ownership is a major factor contributing to the quality of life and one’s perception of well-being.  AAHC’s founding board members and staffs believe that AAPI and other immigrant homeownership communities are greatly underserved in the housing industry and in financial literacy education services.  Thus, they face a great challenge in sustaining and improving their circumstances in American society.  AAHC aims to assist all immigrant minority and low income communities in achieving the American dream of homeownership and to provide the financial literacy education that will allow them to keep and maintain their homes for a lifetime.

We aim to accomplish and succeed in our mission and objectives by working hard, meeting our clients’ needs, and ultimately, earning the trust of the community and industry partners.

Best Regards,

Song Hutchins
Asian-American Homeownership Counseling, Inc. (AAHC)